Stone Strong has been evaluated by The Innovations, Developments, Enhancement and Advancements program that is part of the Geo-Institute of ASCE. Technical evaluation reports provide a summary of the technical review. The final report helps state and local agencies to evaluate the ERS more efficiently and advance the dissemination of ERS technology to the construction industry. The state or local transportation agencies are responsible for the overall approval of an ERS for use on their projects. The extent to which an agency chooses to approve a specific ERS is completely left to the agency. It is also important to note that no particular ERS is suitable for all conditions because site-specific factors can influence ERS selection.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials serves as a catalyst for excellence in transportation by offering smart solutions and promising practices; critical information, training and data; direct technical assistance to states; and unchallenged expertise. Stone Strong complies with the organization’s specifications and standards.
ASTM 1776
Stone Strong not only complies with the standard conditioning, but was also involved in the writing of the standard. This practice covers the conditioning and testing of textiles when conditioning is specified in a test method. Because prior exposure of textiles to high or low humidity may affect moisture pick-up equilibrium, a procedure also is given for preconditioning the material when required.
D.O.T. Approved
Stone Strong Systems adheres to the stringent standards set by multiple Departments of Transportation (DOTs). Their designs and construction methods consistently meet and often exceed the rigorous requirements outlined by various DOTs. The durability, reliability, and safety of Stone Strong structures align with the meticulous specifications mandated by transportation departments, ensuring that these systems not only meet but excel in compliance, offering robust, long-lasting solutions for infrastructure needs.
Stone Strong retaining walls meet requirements in a gravity configuration using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) procedures. Refer to: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6h Edition 2012 Additional analytical methods and theories are taken from previous AASHTO specifications and other FHWA guidelines – refer to: Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes, NHI-10-024 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 2002, 17th Addition